Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Coders' Shed ~ awesome new members

Well, I collected a team from this great site http://scratch.mit.edu/. I'm really looking forward to the public sharing of the site :) I myself am horrible at php I know html and slightly know php. I know enough javascript to get by ;P SO i'm really relieved that some people asked to join :D Anyway it helps the release date xD

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lazy day... Developing Coder's Shed. Just finished most of the CSS and basic text of the thing. In about a week the hard part comes, PHP :O
I'll be uploading another song to my bandcamp soon http://slinger.bandcamp.com/ so stay tuned :P

Thursday, February 16, 2012

First post :)

Yeah, so I have google and figured that there is no harm in creating a development blog. So... here it is. This blog will give updates on programs I'm writing, review cool programs, my progress in learning a certain language etc... So um, I guess this is my first blog :p I'll also post updates about my music.